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The Journey to Becoming Aware of Being Aware: A Mindful Path to Conscious Living

For the past few months, I believed I was on the right path, gradually becoming more aware and conscious. But recently, I realized there’s still so much more to learn. Surprisingly, instead of feeling discouraged, this realization motivates me. Now, I have a clearer idea of what it truly means to be a conscious being, but what exactly does that entail? Let’s dive into it and explore what it means to live consciously.

Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash

The Power of The Untethered Soul

The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer has a growing interest in among mindfulness students. I first encountered this book a few years ago through a close friend, and since then, it’s been a key resource on my mindfulness journey. 

Singer’s book provides practical guidance on how to become more aware by separating ourselves from our thoughts, emotions, and sensory experiences. The idea is that these elements don’t define who we are — they’re simply things we observe. We are the observers, the ones who watch our thoughts and emotions pass by without letting them consume or define us.

Consciousness vs. Unconsciousness

One of the key takeaways from the book is that the only difference between a conscious person and someone who isn’t as aware lies in where their attention is focused. Conscious individuals have learned to direct their awareness inward, while others remain focused on the external world around them. The consciousness itself doesn’t change, but where it’s directed does. This shift in focus is what distinguishes mindful living from living on autopilot.

Think about when you’re watching an engaging movie or TV show. You get so caught up in the story that you momentarily forget yourself. But the second you realize you’re just watching a screen, your perspective shifts. You’re no longer lost in the story, but simply observing it. Nothing else has changed except where your attention is placed.

Becoming Aware of Awareness

Singer suggests that we should take the same approach with our thoughts and emotions — step back and observe them without becoming overwhelmed. Instead of being lost in thought, we begin to realize we’re aware of our own thinking process. This shift in perspective allows us to recognize that we are not our thoughts but the awareness behind them.

When we become conscious of our own awareness, we enter a different state of being. It’s like stepping out of the constant noise in our minds and seeing things more clearly from a place of calm. While it may seem simple to be aware of our thoughts for a brief moment, the challenge lies in maintaining that awareness over time. However, every time we catch ourselves drifting away, we are practicing mindfulness by recognizing that we’ve become distracted.

Observing Without Attachment

As we practice observing our thoughts, emotions, and experiences without attaching ourselves to them, we begin to see the world differently. Instead of being overwhelmed or stressed by what’s happening around us, we take a step back and simply observe. The world is no longer something we have to control or fix — it’s just there, and we’re simply aware of it. This kind of detachment helps us stay grounded and true to who we are: the awareness behind everything we experience.

Expanding Consciousness

As we continue on this path, our understanding of consciousness expands. We realize that we are not just the person experiencing thoughts and emotions, but the awareness that’s watching all of this unfold. It’s a profound shift, and while it might only happen in brief moments at first, each of these glimpses helps us gain a deeper understanding of who we truly are. We begin to see that consciousness isn’t limited to the small, everyday concerns we’re used to focusing on. It’s something much larger and more expansive.

The Stages of Awareness

The journey to becoming fully conscious can be broken down into three key stages:

  1. Mindfulness: This first step is about becoming aware of your thoughts, actions, and reactions. By observing them, you start to create space between yourself and your experiences.

  2. Awareness of Being Aware: In this stage, you go beyond just being mindful. You start to notice that you’re aware of your own awareness, realizing that your consciousness is observing your thoughts and feelings.

  3. Consciousness Beyond the Self: The final stage is where you understand that your awareness isn’t limited to your individual experiences. You realize you are the observer, not just the human being having the experience. Your consciousness extends beyond the self.

In this journey of awareness, I’ve learned that I still have a long way to go. But rather than feeling discouraged, I feel inspired. Just understanding what it means to be aware of my awareness, even if only for a few moments, is a significant step forward. The journey to becoming fully conscious is ongoing, but with every step, I’m learning more about what it means to live mindfully — and that’s what matters most.

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